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Adventures in Faith - Abraham 5. How to Overcome Fear
Genesis 15 Here we discover the details of the Abrahamic covenant. Hundreds of years later the NT writers will look back on this...
Adventures in Faith - Abraham 4. Spiritual Warfare 101
Genesis 14 / Hebrews 7 When a nation forgets God, anything is possible. There is a war raging in South Africa. It is not a war between...
Adventures in Faith - Abraham 3. Dancing With the Devil
Genesis 13 God often reveals himself to us in a crisis situation. None of us would choose to go through a crisis in order to learn more...
Adventures in Faith - Abraham 2. Famine in the Promised Land
Genesis 12: 10 - 20 "Smart people sometimes do some very stupid things." "When hard times come, we always have two choices. We can be a...
Adventures in Faith – Abraham 1. The Incredible Adventure Begins
Genesis 12: 1 - 9 Starting today we’re going to take a look at the life of one of the greatest men in all the Bible. His name is Abraham...
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