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Adventures in Faith – Abraham 16. Passing the Baton
Genesis 25 In a relay race, it’s not so much the running that matters, but the passing of the baton. Fumble the baton, you lose the race....
Adventures in Faith - Abraham 15. Death of a Princess
Genesis 23 There is a picture showing a mountain of skulls. At first glance all the skulls seem to be the same, but when you look closely...
Adventures in Faith – Abraham 14. The Ultimate Test
Genesis 22 There is one story in the record of Abraham’s life that towers above all the rest. Nothing else can be compared with it. I...
Adventures in Faith – Abraham 13. How to Make Peace with Your Enemies
Genesis 21: 22 - 34 Slain Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed an historic peace treaty with the PLO in 1993. Harshly criticized...
Adventures in Faith – Abraham 12. God's Good vs. God's Best
Genesis 21: 1 - 21 Have you ever wanted something so badly and waited a long time for it to happen, only to discover that when it did,...
Adventures in Faith – Abraham 11. A Saint Who Acted Like a Pagan
Genesis 20 The Bible tells the truth about people. It shows the whole range of human activity—including the dark side. You will find...
Adventures in Faith - Abraham 9. A Few Good Men
Genesis 18: 16 - 33 God is looking for "a few good men" and "a few good women." He searches the earth to find those who will stand...
Adventures in Faith - Abraham 8. When the Lord Comes to Lunch
Genesis 18: 1 - 15 God never despises small things. In fact, the most important things God is doing today are unseen, unknown and...
Adventures in Faith - Abraham 7. God of the Impossible
Genesis 17 When God wants to do something big, he starts with something very small. When God wants to do the miraculous, he starts with...
Adventures in Faith - Abraham 6. Doing the Right Thing in the Wrong Way
Genesis 16 You can shoot an arrow and while it is in the air, you can say, "Oh God, please forgive me," but the arrow will still come...
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